Notarize, Record, and Publish
We are here to restore our complete and fully operational land and soil jurisdiction. Here, paperwork is notarized by Public Notaries (not Notary Publics), Recorded (not Registered on a Registry), and if the papers are Published, it is then considered “Public” or “on the Public Record“.
Notarizing, Recording, and Publishing are separate functions.
•Public Notaries like Shaun (Notary Public at banks): verify it’s actually you, and that you’re competent, then witness your autograph. Our Public Notaries are able to Notarize everything except for International jurisdiction paperwork like the 1779 Declaration and the Declaration of Political Status. ($0-$15+)
•Recorders like Jean and Brittany (also State of AK DNR office): May act in the capacity of a Notarial Witness for autographs, but mainly takes those records and processes them onto “the Record” according to Assembly/International requirements. These are then stored as paper records, and digitally on hard/flash drives. ($5/page side)
•Publishers like the LRO/LRS (or DNR): If you need it “on the Public Record”, the Recorders can Publish the records onto that website. It’s like a lawful (or legal) public bulletin board. This step is separate, and must be initiated with the Publishing organization.
All Notices and Declarations should be Published for lawful standing.
Some records are Published, but are not accessible to everyone, due to private information (accounts or Social Security numbers). ($25/Submission for LRO payable on their site)
Example 1: People Notarize via Zoom and Record with Brittany, then later wants to Publish it on the GFG.
They contact her again to complete that service, since she has access to their digital records.
Example 2: People Notarize it with Shaun, Record it with Jean, and Publish it on the LRO.
Example 3: People Notarize it at the bank, Record and Publish it on the DNR.
Each service is different and can mix-and-match!
We have unincorporated counties on Alaska! Any time you see a space for “County” on lawful paperwork, that’s what needs to go there. Example: Anchorage County, Matanuska-Susitna County, etc.
Boroughs and other de facto/corporate entities are not used on land and soil jurisdiction paperwork.
Alaska Recording Fees are: $5.00/page.
(Includes verified copies, duplicate originals, and other printed pages; payable to your Recorder.)
For sets of papers submitted at the same time/session, per wo/man:
1779 Set (Declaration + 2 Witness Testimonies) – $15.
1779 Set and/or +928 Armor Set – $50.
Full 928 Set (State Citizen Level) – $100.
Here is a checklist to print, for your convenience! Correct My Status Checklist for The Alaska Assembly
For the complete guide to correcting your political status, go HERE.
Alaska Publishing Fees on the Land Recording Office website are: $25.00/submission.
Publishing is initiated on, and fees are payable via the LRO website.
These services are currently done by unpaid American State Nationals.
As self-governing people, and until we are lawfully funded, we are responsible for funding the services we need with fees.
Thank you for your consideration and donations to help those in dire need.
Contact your Coordinator or your Recorder today!
State Coordinator Donna: [email protected]
State Recorder/Recording Secretary Jean: [email protected]
Federation-Level Recording Secretary Brittany: [email protected]