With word processing software or PDF editor.
State Recorder/Recording Secretary Jean: [email protected]
Federation-Level Recording Secretary Brittany: [email protected]
State Coordinator Shaun: [email protected]
This “Open Forum” meeting is open to all people on Alaska
(including those who have not yet corrected their political status)
Join with this link:
You may also try it with these Steps:
Click on top right box that says Join
*You do not have to create an account*
In the Join Meeting box that comes up, for “Online meeting ID” type in:
firstalaskacounty and click Submit
Allow FreeConferenceCall to open, click Open
Click on “Join with computer audio” and continue,
and then Join the Meeting for the First Alaska County meeting.
*Correct your political status, claim your birthrights, and help restore our lawful, un-incorporated government.
*Correcting your political status will not affect any existing issues you have with the de facto Municipal/Territorial U.S. Governments, however, it will shape a new future based on American Common Law and self-governance.
*Citizens of other countries (without a “U.S. Green Card”) must contact the coordinator of their country listed at the bottom of the page HERE.
The 1779 Process based off of the 1779 Naturalization Act is the most streamlined process for correcting your political status to become an American State National on the Land & Soil Jurisdiction.
It’s often called the “One Page Declaration” or the “one-pager”. This “one-pager” must be accompanied by two (2) other documents (witness testimonies), as well as an original/photo copy of your birth/naturalization/citizenship certificate.
The One Page Declaration was created to replace the 928 Process for General Assembly participation.
Find the newest templates at the bottom of this page, or on The American States Assemblies website (TASA) and learn more about the quickest way to land.
The 928 process is a more elaborate way to become an American State National or an American State Citizen. It’s called the “928s” because it’s based off of Anna’s Article #928. The 928s provide more armor or protection from the air and sea “elements”.
Take your time to complete all of your documents. It’s important to learn the purpose of each document, as well as how they protect you, if or when you need them. You don’t have to become an American State Citizen if you complete this process, however many elected positions will require this level of paperwork.
Completing it right the first time will save you a headache and is more cost-effective, however, there is nothing that can’t be corrected later.
The most updated 928 templates can be found at the bottom of this page, or on The American States Assembly website (TASA) and the Paperwork Training Course is full of great information on becoming an American State National/Citizen!
With word processing software or PDF editor.
May have access with friends/family, at a Public Library, or hire someone who will provide printouts.
Red for autographing Deeds, Blue for everything else, and a red ink pad for your thumbprint.
If you want to use stamps cancelled with your autograph in gold, buy a gold marker.
Red ink = living people, land and soil jurisdiction.
Blue ink = interacting with corporate entities, water and air/global jurisdictions.
Black ink = for the dead. Never use black ink to autograph anything.
Professional-grade color photo to include: head and shoulders, white/light grey background, no glasses or non-religious head coverings, etcetera.
Photograph can be printed directly on the Witness Testimony; have extra pictures printed on photo paper, if you would like to correct your U.S. Passport.
Manila envelopes 10 x 13 inches; about 6pcs.
Stamps: $.02, $.03, $.05, $1, $2, $5, $10 denominations. (Extra $.02 stamps to cancel in gold, or $.03 stamps for “a full ounce”.)
Roll of brown paper tape, or reinforced, gummed paper tape about an inch wide.
(Total of 2 envelopes to mail your paperwork to your Recorder; one to send it out, one for them to return it.)
USPS Registered Mail Stickers, Form 3806 white w/carbon, Form 3811 green postcards. Ask for at least 5 of each; total of 10, to have extra on hand.
A typical Registered Mail w/Return Receipt (RM/RR) letter will cost around $20-$22: two (2)-$10 stamps & one (1)-$2 stamp.
Pick these up at a Post Office or order online. Minimum of 4 RM/RR per American.
(These are for your letters to the de Facto; green Return Receipts to de Jure State/Federation Recorders are not required.)
Order 3 Certified copies, or obtain a colored copy of: the Birth Certificate/Certificate of Naturalization, or Certificate of Citizenship (for those born overseas to an American mother/father, including babies born to Americans on military bases).
These can usually be ordered through the State Health Department or a service like VitalCheck and cost about $5.00 each.
This process can take a few weeks or longer, so do this early-on.
*Birth Certificates do NOT need to be Authenticated, unless you frequently travel internationally.*
You need 2 people, age 21+ who have known you for at least 7yrs.
Provide the Witness Testimony with your passport-style photo on it; ask them to fill it out and take it to their bank or credit union to be notarized. (This is usually a free service.) If they need to utilize a paid service (UPS Store or the like) be sure to send them funds to cover the costs and perhaps a little something extra for their time.
Use blue-ink pens to autograph these.
Most items can be found at your local office supply store, or craft/hobby store. Support your locally-owned businesses whenever possible.
Have your 2 Witness Testimonies completed ahead of time to streamline the process and appointments.
American State National/ASN– Achieved with a “1779 Declaration” also known as the “one-pager”.
You may be part of the General Assembly and select/decide on county or in-state matters. Eligible to be in a Committee, Federation-Level Recording, and/or a Militia Peacekeeper.
Federal employees or those who hold licenses (real estate, insurance, securities, registered nurses, doctors, attorneys, etc.) can only participate as an American State National, due to conflicts of interest.
ASN+928 Armor– Includes the American State National (ASN) paperwork, in addition to “extra armor”. This is not required for American State National (ASN) status, but it’s highly recommended.
American State Citizen/ASC– Achieved with the 928s.
You may be part of the General, Jural, and/or Business Assemblies, and the Militia Peacekeepers. Positions are elected by the General Assembly, but one must be an American State Citizen or ASC-level status to be involved. You are *not required* to hold an office, should you decide to complete your 928s.
*Decide which status you’re eligible for, and then choose how you’ll have your papers notarized. You’ll need to have the proper “notarial block” on each record:
State Recorder (Land and soil Recorder)
Notary Public (State of State notaries: banks, courts, traveling notaries.) or an American Common Law Public Notary (American State Nationals/Citizens who are part of your County/State Assembly.)
Contact Alaska State Officials for Assistance:
State Coordinator Shaun:
[email protected]
State Recorder/Recording Secretary Jean: [email protected]
Federation-Level Recording Secretary Brittany: [email protected]
Be sure to “white-list” emails from according to your email provider’s instructions. This will help correspondence to be delivered timely.
You have a few options to “paper-up”:
*Be sure to select the State of State “Public Notary” as the Notarial Block, unless you’ve made prior arrangements with a Land and Soil Recorder or Assembly Public Notary. If you need to learn the differences between these, go to the Land Recording page HERE.
(Use them on your paperwork! Boroughs are not based on American Common Law)
Make a note of these email addresses:
State Coordinator:
[email protected]
State Recorder/Recording Secretary: [email protected]
Federation Recording Secretary: [email protected]
Here are checklists to print, for your convenience!
Correct My Status Checklist for The Alaska Assembly©™️
Recording Checklist
Autograph your paperwork when you’re in the presence of a Notary.
They must witness the autographs.
Your options:
Most autographs are done in blue, and deeds are done in red.
To correct your political status, your declarations must be properly Recorded and Published onto the Public Record.
Print this Recording Checklist.
Contact your Federation-Level Recorder
Mail Your Documents
*Be sure to include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for the Recorder to return all of your paperwork.
Remove staples, and make sure your autograph and red thumbprints are on each one.
Make arrangements with your Recorder to pay for this service ahead of time.
Fees are set by The General Assembly and are applied to Recording equipment and services,
like printers/ink/labels, thumb drives, Internet, etc.
The current Recording fee for Alaska is $5.00/page,
or submit sets of paperwork at one time:
1779 and 2 Witness Testimonies – $15.00
1779 + Armor – $50.00
928 Process – $100.00
Publishing is a separate step taken after Recording. It is required to complete your status correction.
Fees will vary depending on your chosen method.
You have several options:
There are optional letters to be mailed out Registered Mail (RM)/Return Receipt (RR). These are optional, unless you want the Full 928 Armor or to have ASC-level Status.
**Complete this before mailing your paperwork to your Recorder, if you want to be protected at an ASC-level. It will need an embossed seal, which most State of Alaska notaries do not have available. The Recorder or Assembly Notary can notarize/emboss it for you. If you wish to do a Common Carry declaration, it will need an embossed seal as well.
These letters will need to be Recorded and Published with the Registered Mail Receipt (Post Office Form 3806). Before sending it to the de facto offices, take a scan/photo of your letter (front/back). Print a copy and mail it with the Receipt to your Recorder. Again, this step is optional for ASN status.
Congratulations and Welcome Home to the Land!
Invite your friends and loved ones to help restore our Republic! Here are some flyers and brochures to share.
Scan, Save, or Share the QR Code below!
Correct your political status and join your Assembly!
The people we find at banks, credit unions and UPS Stores serving as Notaries are commissioned by “State of State” franchises;
they function as “Notary Publics” in the International jurisdiction of the sea.
The jurisdiction invoked is indicated by the “Notary Block” which is a separate area of the document reserved for them.
County Public Notaries may notarize paperwork for their county jurisdiction, State Public Notaries may notarize paperwork for their state.
A Recording Secretary or State Recorder is authorized to act in the capacity of an International Notarial Witness and may witness the autographs for the Declaration of Political Status and the 1779 Declaration, which a lawful Public Notary cannot.
Most people will use these templates.
(De facto, legal Notaries at banks, credit unions, UPS Stores.)
*1779 One Page Declaration –Born on America, Naturalized Immigrant, Green Card Immigrant, 7-year Undocumented Immigrant, or Federal Employee
(Recommended, not required for ASN)
*Deed of Re-conveyance – Born State, Born State -Power of Attorney Exception, Adopted State, Adopted State -Power of Attorney Exception
*Deed of Conveyance – Naturalized, Adopted State, Adopted State -Power of Attorney Exception, Adopted State -Born on a Base or Green Card
*1-3 Oaths of Expatriation – JOHN MARK DOE, JOHN M. DOE, JOHN DOE
*Cancellation of All Prior Powers of Attorney
*Cancellation of All Prior Powers of Attorney -Exception
*Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (Mandatory Notice)
(Required for Alaska Assembly Office; Elected positions, International voting.)
*New 2023 Declaration of Political Status (PDF) (form 56+Rev.replacement) **embossed seal
Cover Letter/Notice for U.S. Secretary of State
*Notice of Intent-Fee Schedule
Revocation of Election to Pay Taxes -D.C. – Not for Federal Persons
Revocation of Election to Pay Taxes -N.Y. – Not for Federal Persons
Voter Cancellation – only if Registered
Military Cancellation – If Veteran, All Branches
*Common Carry Declaration **embossed seal
Lineage Treaty – Cover Sheet, Page 1, Page 2, Article 1176 Example
Baby Deed Cover Letter/Notice (PDF)
Trustee Notices: Ramona D. Elliot, Acting Director Executive Office of U.S. Trustees, Laurie Thornton, Assistant U.S. Trustee, Region 18, Laurie Thornton, Assistant U.S. Trustee, Mary Sattler Peltola, Congresswoman, Alaska, Nancy Dahlstrom, Lieutenant Governor, Alaska.
Lawful Marriage Proclamation (PDF)
Recording Cover Sheet for State of State Land Recording Only (PDF)
Diagram of the Fraud (Optional) (PDF)
Interactive Form Generator – Auto-generates your forms based on the information you provide.
Make an appointment with an Assembly Notary before using these templates.
(De jure, lawful Public Notary elected by the people/People.)
*1779 One Page Declaration –Must be done with a State/Federation Recorder or a State of State Notary
(Recommended, not required for ASN)
*Deed of Re-conveyance – Born State, Born State -Power of Attorney Exception, Adopted State, Adopted State -Exception
*Deed of Conveyance – Naturalized, Adopted State, Adopted State -Power of Attorney Exception, Adopted State -Born on a Base or Green Card
*1-3 Oaths of Expatriation – JOHN MARK DOE, JOHN M. DOE, JOHN DOE
*Cancellation of All Prior Powers of Attorney
*Cancellation of All Prior Powers of Attorney -Exception
*Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (Mandatory Notice)
(Required for Alaska Assembly Office; Elected positions, International voting.)
*Declaration of Political Status (form 56+Rev.replacement) **embossed seal – Must be done with a State/Federation Recorder or a State of State Notary
Cover Letter/Notice for U.S. Secretary of State
*Notice of Intent-Fee Schedule
Revocation of Election to Pay Taxes -D.C. – Not for Federal Persons
Revocation of Election to Pay Taxes -N.Y. – Not for Federal Persons
Voter Cancellation – only if registered
Military Cancellation – If Veteran, All Branches
*Common Carry Declaration **embossed seal
Lineage Treaty – Cover Sheet, Page 1, Page 2, Article 1176 Example
Baby Deed Cover Letter/Notice (PDF)
Trustee Notices: Ramona D. Elliot, Acting Director Executive Office of U.S. Trustees, Laurie Thornton, Assistant U.S. Trustee, Region 18, Laurie Thornton, Assistant U.S. Trustee, Mary Sattler Peltola, Congresswoman, Alaska, Nancy Dahlstrom, Lieutenant Governor, Alaska.
Lawful Marriage Proclamation (PDF)
Recording Cover Sheet for State of State Land Recording Only (PDF)
Diagram of the Fraud (Optional) (PDF)
Interactive Form Generator – Auto-generates your forms based on the information you provide.
For those at remote locations; contact a State or Federation Recorder before using these templates.
(De jure, lawfully elected Recording Secretary/Recorder or appointed Federation Recording Secretary.)
When working with a Federation Recording Secretary, replace “Alaska Recording Secretary” with “Federation Recording Secretary” on the notarial block.
*1779 One Page Declaration –Born on America, Naturalized Immigrant, Green Card Immigrant, 7-year Undocumented Immigrant, or Federal Employee
(Recommended, not required for ASN)
*Deed of Re-conveyance – Born State, Born State -Power of Attorney Exception, Adopted State, Adopted State -Power of Attorney Exception
*Deed of Conveyance – Naturalized, Adopted State, Adopted State -Power of Attorney Exception, Adopted State -Born on a Base or Green Card
*1-3 Oaths of Expatriation – JOHN MARK DOE, JOHN M. DOE, JOHN DOE
*Cancellation of All Prior Powers of Attorney
*Cancellation of All Prior Powers of Attorney -Exception
*Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (Mandatory Notice)
(Required for Alaska Assembly Office; Elected positions, International voting.)
*New 2023 Declaration of Political Status (PDF) (form 56+Rev.replacement) **embossed seal
Cover Letter/Notice for U.S. Secretary of State
*Notice of Intent-Fee Schedule
Revocation of Election to Pay Taxes -D.C. – Not for Federal Persons
Revocation of Election to Pay Taxes -N.Y. – Not for Federal Persons
Voter Cancellation – only if registered
Military Cancellation – If Veteran, All Branches
*Common Carry Declaration **embossed seal
Lineage Treaty – Cover Sheet, Page 1, Page 2, Article 1176 Example
Baby Deed Cover Letter/Notice (PDF)
Trustee Notices: Ramona D. Elliot, Acting Director Executive Office of U.S. Trustees, Laurie Thornton, Assistant U.S. Trustee, Region 18, Laurie Thornton, Assistant U.S. Trustee, Mary Sattler Peltola, Congresswoman, Alaska, Nancy Dahlstrom, Lieutenant Governor, Alaska.
Lawful Marriage Proclamation (PDF)
Recording Cover Sheet for State of State Land Recording Only (PDF)
Diagram of the Fraud (Optional) (PDF)
Interactive Form Generator – Auto-generates your forms based on the information you provide.
(Includes verified copies, duplicate originals, and other printed pages; payable to your Recorder.)
For sets of papers submitted at the same time/session:
1779 Set (Declaration + 2 Witness Testimonies) – $15.
1779 Set and/or +928 Armor Set – $50.
Full 928 Set (State Citizen Level) – $100.
Here are checklists to print, for your convenience!
Correct My Status Checklist for The Alaska Assembly©™️
Recording Checklist
Alaska will be hosting our own Land Recording Office in the future. Publishing fees are collected to support the storage and maintenance of the online record system.
If you would like to Publish with the State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources (de facto/corporate government), or on a local newspaper, you will need to go to their office.
For general Land Recording information for Alaska, go here.